Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Next Project Begins

Can you tell what the next project is going to be? A chubby belly bathing suit top! I was hoping to buy a white one to use with other bottoms I have, but alas, there are none in existence. So I shall make one! Or attempt to! Here is the next produce bag I finished, I am much more pleased with my leaf patterns this time around, but my photo is so lacking and sideways, what happened?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Produce Bags

I saw these in a green craft book probably a year ago or more. Just now getting around to it. Think of all the wasted plastic produce bags in the meantime! I really wanted some sheer fabric but didn't find anything perfect enough. I hope the cashiers don't mind. I also am not fond of my leaf printing on my first bag, but was so excited to hurry up and get it done. Please let me know if you want some! I will make prettier leaf prints as I go, I swear.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Birthday Cake

I know I'm behind, and I need to play catch up. I've been a crafting fool lately, hopefully I can soon make something to sell! I'm thinking baby shoes... we'll see. Anyways, here's some pics of the train birthday cake. It was pretty simple seeing that I bought a train this year. The train is going through the cake tunnel.  You see, last birthday we were also obsessed with trains and the cake was the train, so this year it needed to be different. I guess I actually forgot a finished picture. I added grass around and on the mountain to cover up all the ugly you see here. It was delicious, too, an awesome dense sponge cake with chocolate ganache frosting. Mmmm. I love making real cakes.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Finished Quilt!

I suppose I didn't really finish by the birthday party, but I was very close. Everything was pinned in place, but my last two days were spent making the cake; yet another crafty urge of mine. I brought it home from my mom's with pins in it where we stayed at a friend's for two days to watch her dog while she was out of town and the hubby finished up the train bed. I finished it at her house and we even used it our second night there. It was ready by the time we got home to see the new bed, and that's what really matters. So, drum roll please...

I'm happy with it! Here's a close up of the train, my original from over a year ago!

And of course some props to my husband for all his hard work on the bed. He drew the plans up himself and built everything. If anyone needs a train bed, I know just the guy to call. Our two projects look great together, though not in this particular photo.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Final Steps

Well, my quilt is done and in use, but since I left so many steps and pictures out while I was at my mom's here goes a history post to let you know how I got to the end...
Picture of my batting hanging to dry. This took remarkably long to do, despite it being pretty thin. Probably 48 hours-ish.
I sewed my edges onto the front sheet first. Just thought it seemed right. I cut 3 edges so that they folded over. The last had to be sewn together. I wanted this to be on the bottom. OF COURSE I did not leave extra seam allowance here and had to manipulate the sides to meet up with this one.

And, my very first 45 degree corner cut on the top edge was the wrong way. Fixing it meant I did not have enough fabric and had to patch a piece in the middle. This was now my bottom and the sewn edge is on top.

This is pinning the batting onto the front sheet. Apparently something was not square, either the batting or my quilt, I'll let you decide. There is a Frankenstein fix where the uneveness meets.

Here's my biggest accomplishment so far: I finished an ENTIRE spool of thread! Had to go buy more. How many people can say that? I'm sure millions of quilters and other crafters worldwide, but until now, not me.