Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Amateur Quilting Project

So I decided a long time ago to make my son a train quilt. He loves trains. It was originally for his toddler bed when he was turning two, which puts me at just a year ago. This time it is for his big bed for when he's turning three. So, when I started it a year ago, I quit smack in the middle thinking, "wow, I really don't know how to quilt." I managed to make the train, but realized I had no idea how to make the blanket or put the train on it. So, I'll just take a quilting class. Fast forward to a year later, and I have finally done so. Quilting 101 at my local craft store was on Jan. 20. I could not believe how much there was to learn. I thought quilters were sewers that knew a little more. Wrong. They are quilters. I was so incredibly overwhelmed from that class. The first thing the instructor asked was, "Is there anyone who is not planning on taking Quilting 102?" Crap. Do I have to? Cuz I need to finish my train quilt by February 25th. Blank stares and cricket noises. Anyways, I learned how to cut that night. Very in depth. Had no idea. We didn't even get around to sewing our square together. Well, good thing I learned something cuz guess what yall? I still need to get a train quilt done by Feb. 25. Here goes nothing.

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